
What is Solana (SOL) ? | Brief History, Technical Details and Use Cases

Ibrahim Ajibade
Published: Feb 11, 2024, 10:37 GMT+00:00

A deep dive analysis of the Solana (SOL) blockchain network, highlighting its history, technical specifications, use cases, staking mechanism and more.

What is Solana (SOL) ? | Brief History, Technical Details and Use Cases

In this article:


  • Brief History of Solana
  • Technical Specifications: Solana Consensus, Transfers, Block Times and Confirmations
  • Staking SOL
  • Solana Smart Contracts
  • Solana Fees
  • Solana Staking Revenue and other incentives
  • Solana vs Ethereum
  • Solana Use Cases
  • Popular Projects on the Solana Network
  • The Future of Solana
  • Frequently asked questions

What is Solana?

Solana (SOL) is a high-performance blockchain platform designed to support decentralized applications (dApps) and cryptocurrencies at scale.

Founded in 2017 by Anatoly Yakovenko, Solana aims to address the scalability and throughput limitations faced by existing blockchain networks, such as Ethereum (ETH).

By leveraging innovative technologies and consensus mechanisms, Solana offers a solution that enables fast, secure, and cost-effective transactions on a global scale.

Brief History of Solana

The journey of Solana began in 2017 when Anatoly Yakovenko, a former engineer at Qualcomm, set out to create a blockchain platform capable of processing thousands of transactions per second (TPS).

Yakovenko envisioned a decentralized network that could rival traditional payment systems like Visa and Mastercard in terms of speed and scalability. With this vision in mind, he founded Solana Labs and assembled a team of talented engineers to turn his idea into reality.

After years of research and development, Solana officially launched its mainnet in March 2020, marking a significant milestone for the project. Since then, Solana has rapidly gained traction within the blockchain community, attracting developers, investors, and users alike. The platform’s growing ecosystem and vibrant community continue to drive innovation and adoption across various industries.

Technical Specifications of Solana

Solana Consensus Mechanism

Solana employs a unique consensus mechanism known as Proof of History (PoH) to achieve high throughput and low latency. PoH is a cryptographic technique that timestamps transactions before they are added to the blockchain, ensuring a secure and immutable record of events. In addition to PoH, Solana uses the Tower BFT (TBFT) consensus algorithm to reach agreement on the state of the network among validator nodes.

Fund Transfers on the Solana Network

Transferring tokens on the Solana network is fast and cost-effective, thanks to its high throughput and low fees. Users can send SOL tokens and other assets with minimal transaction times and negligible fees, making Solana an ideal platform for micropayments and high-frequency trading.

Solana Block Times and Confirmations

Solana’s block times are incredibly fast, with new blocks produced every 400 milliseconds on average. This rapid block time ensures that transactions are processed quickly and efficiently, reducing network congestion and improving overall user experience. Additionally, Solana achieves finality within seconds, meaning that transactions are confirmed and irreversible within a short timeframe.

What is the SOL Coin?

The SOL coin is the native cryptocurrency of the Solana blockchain, serving as the primary means of value transfer and incentivization within the network.

SOL token holders can use SOL to pay for transaction fees, participate in network governance, and stake their tokens to secure the network and earn rewards.

In addition, SOL tokens also play a crucial role in incentivizing validators, developers, and users to contribute to the Solana ecosystem by providing liquidity, building applications, and maintaining network security.

Use Cases of the SOL Token

  1. Transaction Fees: Users must pay transaction fees in SOL to execute transactions and interact with smart contracts on the Solana blockchain. These fees contribute to the security and sustainability of the network by compensating validators for processing transactions.
  2. Staking: SOL token holders can stake their tokens to secure the Solana network and participate in the consensus mechanism. By staking SOL, users help validate transactions, maintain network integrity, and earn rewards in the form of additional SOL tokens.
  3. Governance: SOL token holders have voting rights in the Solana network governance process, allowing them to propose and vote on protocol upgrades, parameter changes, and other important decisions affecting the network’s operation and development.
  4. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): SOL tokens are widely used in various decentralized finance (DeFi) applications built on the Solana blockchain, including decentralized exchanges (DEXs), lending protocols, and yield farming platforms. Users can leverage SOL tokens to provide liquidity, borrow assets, and earn yields through DeFi activities.
  5. NFTs and Digital Assets: SOL tokens are used as a means of exchange for buying, selling, and trading non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and digital assets on Solana-powered marketplaces and platforms. Artists, creators, and collectors can use SOL tokens to transact with digital art, collectibles, and other tokenized assets on the network.

Staking SOL

Staking SOL tokens is a straightforward process that allows users to earn rewards by participating in the network’s consensus mechanism. Validators on the Solana network are responsible for processing transactions and maintaining the integrity of the blockchain. 

Solana (SOL) Staking Rewards | Source:
Solana (SOL) Staking Rewards | Source:

By staking their SOL tokens and delegating them to a validator node, users can contribute to the security and decentralization of the network while earning staking rewards.

Depending on the Staking service provider chosen, SOL stakers can earn annualized rewards ranging from 5% to 7% APR. 

Solana Smart Contracts

Solana supports smart contracts, enabling developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) and execute programmable transactions on the blockchain. 

Solana’s smart contract platform is compatible with popular programming languages like Rust and C, making it accessible to a wide range of developers. With its high throughput and low fees, Solana provides an ideal environment for deploying complex smart contracts and executing decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.

Solana Fees

Transaction fees on the Solana network are minimal compared to other blockchain platforms, thanks to its high throughput and efficient consensus mechanism.

Users can send tokens and execute smart contracts on Solana with minimal fees, making it an attractive platform for developers and users alike. Additionally, Solana’s fee structure is designed to be predictable and transparent, ensuring that users can accurately estimate the cost of transactions.

Solana Staking Revenue and Other Incentives

Staking SOL tokens on the Solana network can be a lucrative endeavor, as users can earn staking rewards in the form of additional SOL tokens.

The amount of staking rewards earned depends on various factors, including the user’s stake size and the network’s overall performance.

In addition to staking rewards, users may also participate in other incentive programs and initiatives designed to promote network participation and growth.

Solana (SOL) vs Ethereum (ETH)

While Ethereum remains the dominant blockchain platform for decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts, Solana offers several advantages that set it apart from its competitors.

One of the key differences between Solana and Ethereum is their approach to scalability and throughput.

While Ethereum struggles with network congestion and high fees during periods of high demand, Solana can process thousands of transactions per second with minimal latency and low fees.

Solana Network Use Cases

Solana’s high throughput and low fees make it suitable for a wide range of use cases across various industries.

From decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to gaming and social networking, Solana’s versatile platform can support a diverse array of applications and services.

Developers are actively exploring new use cases and building innovative solutions on the Solana network, driving adoption and growth across the ecosystem.

1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): 

Solana’s high throughput and low fees make it ideal for DeFi applications such as decentralized exchanges (DEXs), lending platforms, and yield farming protocols. Developers can leverage Solana’s scalability to create efficient and cost-effective DeFi solutions that rival traditional financial services. 

Solana (SOL) DeFi Ecosystem Total Value Locked (TVL) February 2024. Source: DeFillama
Solana (SOL) DeFi Ecosystem Total Value Locked (TVL) February 2024. Source: DeFillama

As of February 2024, the Total Value Locked (TVL), funds deposited on DeFi projects built on the Solana network stands at $1.8 billion, as per DeFillama data.

This makes Solana the 5th largest DeFI ecosystem globally, behind Ethereum (ETH), Tron, BNB Chain and Arbitrum (ARB) respectively. 

2. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): 

Solana’s fast transaction processing speed and low fees make it well-suited for NFT marketplaces and digital asset management platforms. Artists, creators, and collectors can mint, buy, sell, and trade NFTs on the Solana network with ease, without worrying about high gas fees or network congestion.

3. Gaming: 

Solana’s high throughput and low latency are particularly advantageous for gaming applications, where real-time interactions and seamless user experiences are crucial. Developers can build decentralized games, virtual worlds, and in-game economies on Solana, offering players immersive experiences and opportunities to earn rewards through gameplay.

4. Social Networking: 

Solana’s scalability and cost-effectiveness make it an attractive platform for social networking applications that require fast and efficient transaction processing. Developers can create decentralized social media platforms, content sharing networks, and community-driven communities on Solana, enabling users to connect, interact, and share content without relying on centralized intermediaries.

Several notable projects have been built on the Solana network, showcasing its potential to revolutionize industries and disrupt traditional business models. Projects like Serum, Audius, Mango Markets, and Degenerate Ape Academy have gained widespread recognition for their innovative features and unique value propositions. These projects leverage Solana’s high throughput and low fees to deliver fast, efficient, and user-friendly experiences to their users.


Serum is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Solana blockchain, offering fast and efficient trading of digital assets with low fees. As one of the first projects on the Solana network, Serum has gained widespread recognition for its innovative features and robust infrastructure.


Audius is a decentralized music streaming platform that leverages Solana’s scalability and low fees to offer artists and listeners a fair and transparent music ecosystem. With Audius, artists can upload, distribute, and monetize their music directly to fans, bypassing traditional intermediaries and earning more royalties.

Mango Markets: 

Mango Markets is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on Solana, offering users access to leveraged trading, lending, and borrowing services with low fees and fast transaction speeds. With Mango Markets, traders can execute trades quickly and efficiently, while lenders can earn interest on their assets by providing liquidity to the platform.

Degenerate Ape Academy: 

Degenerate Ape Academy is a collection of NFTs featuring unique and customizable digital apes, each with its own traits and attributes. Built on the Solana blockchain, Degenerate Ape Academy allows users to buy, sell, and trade digital apes in a decentralized marketplace, providing collectors with opportunities to own rare and valuable digital assets.

The Future of Solana

As Solana continues to evolve and expand its ecosystem, the future looks promising for the blockchain platform.

With ongoing development efforts, partnerships, and community engagement initiatives, Solana is well-positioned to become a leading player in the blockchain space.

As more developers, users, and investors recognize the potential of Solana, adoption is expected to accelerate, driving further growth and innovation across the network.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the maximum supply of SOL tokens?

SOL. When SOL launched, it had an initial total supply of 500 million tokens but due to its staking rewards mechanism, there is no capped max supply. Instead, Solana has a fixed annual inflation rate.

According to Solana’s proposed inflation schedule, the initial inflation rate was set to 8% and is distributed through staking rewards.

How can I stake SOL tokens?

Staking SOL tokens is a relatively straightforward process. Users can delegate their SOL tokens to a validator node on the Solana network using a compatible wallet or a third-party staking platform like Figment, Validator or Everstake and many others. 

By doing so, they contribute to the security and decentralization of the network and earn rewards in return for their participation. This also helps to reduce the market supply of SOL from time to time. 

Solana (SOL) Staked vs. Circulating Supply | Source: SolanaExplorer
Solana (SOL) Staked vs. Circulating Supply | Source: SolanaExplorer

As of February 2024, official data from Solana explorer shows that 385.3 million SOL is currently staked out of the total 569 million SOL coins in circulation.

What are some notable projects built on the Solana network?

Some notable projects built on the Solana network include Serum, Audius, Mango Markets, and Degenerate Ape Academy. These projects span various industries, including decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), gaming, and social networking.

How does Solana compare to other blockchain platforms?

Solana distinguishes itself from other blockchain platforms, such as Ethereum, by offering superior scalability, throughput, and cost-effectiveness.

Its innovative consensus mechanism, Proof of History (PoH), combined with Tower BFT (TBFT) consensus and Gulf Stream, enables Solana to process thousands of transactions per second with minimal latency and low fees.

What are the benefits of using Solana for decentralized applications?

The benefits of using Solana for decentralized applications (dApps) include fast transaction processing, low fees, high scalability, and robust security.

Solana’s architecture is designed to support a wide range of use cases across various industries, making it an attractive platform for developers and users alike. Additionally


About the Author

Ibrahim Ajibade Ademolawa is a seasoned research analyst with a background in Commercial Banking and Web3 startups, specializing in DeFi and TradFi analysis. He holds a B.A. in Economics and is pursuing an MSc in Blockchain.
