
Natural Gas Price Forecast – Natural Gas Continues to Look Tired

Christopher Lewis
Published: Jun 28, 2024, 13:13 GMT+00:00

Although we have seen a lot of noise in this market, it looks like we are going to continue to see a bit of negativity.

In this article:

Natural Gas Technical Analysis

The natural gas markets started to recover a bit on Friday, and I do think this makes a certain amount of sense, as we have been so negative as of late. That being said, I still don’t think natural gas is ready to take off for a bigger move.

It’s cyclically the wrong time to see this as the natural gas demand will almost certainly be weak at best this time of year. We did have a heat wave in the United States. We priced that in, ran up the market, but now it looks like we’re just trending lower in the short term. Longer term, I do like the idea of buying natural gas on dips.

And I do so in my ETF because the ETF allows me to do this without a massive amount of leverage. So, with that being said, I am buying 10 to 15 shares here and there. Building up a position, recognizing that sometime later this year we’ll have to worry about cold temperatures and that will send the market much higher. The $3 level above is obviously an area that a lot of people will be paying attention to.

And if we can break above that, then $3.50 could be your next target. However, I do think that eventually we will test the $2.50 level for support. I had gotten involved in this via an ETF a long time ago. I took half off and now I’m just waiting to see if we get closer to the $2.50 level to add to my position.

For a look at all of today’s economic events, check out our economic calendar.

About the Author

Being FXEmpire’s analyst since the early days of the website, Chris has over 20 years of experience across various markets and assets – currencies, indices, and commodities. He is a proprietary trader as well trading institutional accounts.

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