
Silver Prices Forecast: Why a Strong Dollar and Fed Policies Could Undermine XAG/USD

James Hyerczyk
Updated: Oct 1, 2023, 06:31 GMT+00:00

Silver ended September on a low note, weighed down by the Fed's hawkish stance, a robust US dollar, and surging 10-year Treasury yields.

Silver Prices Forecast


  • Federal Reserve’s hawkish monetary policy deals silver a bearish blow, clouding its Q4 outlook.
  • Robust U.S. dollar at a 10-month high further weakens silver’s market allure, upping the stakes for traders.
  • A focus on inflation over economic slowdown by the Federal Reserve cements the metal’s downturn.

Silver Closes September on a Weak Note Amid Federal Reserve’s Hawkish Stance

Silver (XAG/USD) concluded September in a lackluster fashion, largely due to the Federal Reserve’s unyielding stance on interest rates. The formidable U.S. dollar further dented the appeal of the precious metal as traders brace for the advent of a new quarter starting this Monday.

Monetary Policy Weighs Heavy on Silver Prices

In a climate marked by persistent inflation worries, the Federal Reserve’s hawkish posture has had a direct impact on silver, a non-interest-bearing asset priced in U.S. dollars.

Chicago Fed President Austan Goolsbee emphasized that inflationary pressures, which have remained above the Fed’s 2% target, take precedence over concerns of a slowing economy. This focus on inflation sets a bearish tone for silver in the immediate term, making the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy a dominant force in dictating market dynamics.

Physical Demand Provides Limited Respite

While the general sentiment remains bearish, silver did manage to find some support from an uptick in physical demand, particularly from central banks and the rapidly expanding Chinese market. However, this demand is not potent enough to counterbalance the broader macroeconomic forces at play, which are largely influenced by the Federal Reserve’s policies.

In essence, while demand factors do offer a glimmer of support, they’re essentially a drop in the ocean when placed against the Fed’s overriding influence on market sentiment.

U.S. Dollar Strength and Treasury Yields

The U.S. dollar, sitting near 10-month highs, along with 16-year peaks in 10-year Treasury yields, creates an even more challenging backdrop for silver.

Market participants are increasingly focusing on the resilience of the U.S. economy, especially as recent economic indicators continue to report robust numbers. This focus amplifies the downside risks for silver, further exacerbating the metal’s precarious position in the market.

Uncertain Forecast for the New Quarter

As the new quarter gets underway, the short-term forecast for silver leans decidedly bearish. It’s not just the Fed’s hawkish policies influencing this outlook; Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari has added another layer of complexity by questioning whether current interest rates are sufficient to contain inflation.

Coupled with potential concerns about a U.S. government shutdown and ongoing strikes in the auto industry, these multiple factors make the landscape even more intricate for silver traders and investors.

In conclusion, silver faces a turbulent path as the new quarter sets in, burdened by an array of macroeconomic factors led by the Federal Reserve.

Having already slipped over 9.52% in the past month, the precious metal posted its worst monthly performance since February. As such, traders and investors must stay attuned to a multitude of influences, ranging from Fed announcements to fresh U.S. economic data, to successfully navigate the complex trajectory of silver prices in the coming months.

About the Author

James is a Florida-based technical analyst, market researcher, educator and trader with 35+ years of experience. He is an expert in the area of patterns, price and time analysis as it applies to futures, Forex, and stocks.
