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Brunei Balance of Trade
Last Release
Oct 31, 2024
Units In
BND Million
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Highest | Lowest | Average | Date Range | Source |
2,971.45 Sep 2008 | -513.5 Jun 2021 | 706.9 BND Million | 2005-2024 | N/A |
As an oil producer, Brunei has been able to run consistent trade surpluses despite having to import most of what it consumes. Oil and natural gas account for almost 90 percent of Brunei’s exports. Other exports include machinery and transport equipment and chemicals. Brunei mainly imports machinery and transport equipment, manufactured goods, food, fuels and lubricants, chemical products, and miscellaneous manufactured articles. Brunei’s main trading partners are Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, India, China, Australia, the United States and Thailand.
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Brunei's trade surplus increased to BND 429.2 million in November 2024 from BND 404.0 million in the same month a year earlier, as imports shrank more than exports. Purchases tumbled 23.3% year-on-year to BND 724.1 million, largely due to significant declines in mineral fuels (-29.8%) and machinery and transport equipment (-36.0%). The largest shares of imports came from Malaysia (32.8%), the United Arab Emirates (14.1%), Saudi Arabia (14.0%, Australia (11.5%), and China (7.8%). Meanwhile, exports dropped at a slower 14.5% to a five-month low of BND 1,153.3 million, due to an 11.4% fall in mineral fuels and chemicals (-33.2%). The highest shares of exports were to Australia (22.7%), China (14.8%), Malaysia (11.9%), Japan (10.8%), and Vietnam (7.4%). For the first eleven months of the year, Brunei recorded a trade surplus of BND 4,927.0 million, notably higher from BND 4,173.6 million in the same period of 2023, with exports growing by 4.4% while imports were down 1.9%.
Brunei Balance of Trade History
Last 12 readings