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Jordan GDP Annual Growth Rate
Last Release
Dec 31, 2023
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Highest | Lowest | Average | Date Range | Source |
10.6 Mar 2007 | -3.6 Jun 2020 | 3.96 % | 1993-2023 | Central Bank of Jordan |
The Jordanian economy is dominated by tourism, financial services, transportation, manufacturing and remittances from Jordanians working abroad. Jordan's lack of arable land and insufficient supplies of water means that agriculture is mostly a non-relevant sector and that the country invests heavily in water recycling. Jordan’s economy is highly influenced by the state, however, recently, the efforts have been undertaken to reduce barriers to do business.
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The economy of Jordan expanded by 2.6% year-on-year in the third quarter of 2024, up from a 2.4% growth in the previous quarter. This marked the strongest expansion since Q3 of 2023, as production increased at a faster pace for manufacturing (4.3% vs 3.1% in Q2), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (1.9% vs 1.6%), and community, social, and personal services (2.0% vs 1.9%). Additionally, output recovered sharply for mining and quarrying (10.5% vs -1.3%) and it fell at a slower pace for construction (-0.4% vs -1.5%). Meanwhile, output growth slowed for agriculture (6.0% vs 6.2%), electricity and water (4.2% vs 4.5%), wholesale & retail trade, restaurants & hotels (1.9% vs 2.3%), and transport, storage & communications (3.4% vs 4.8%).
Jordan GDP Annual Growth Rate History
Last 12 readings