
Former US First Lady Melanie Trump Joins NFT Train

Oluwapelumi Adejumo
Updated: Dec 17, 2021, 11:01 GMT+00:00

The former First Lady of the United States, Melanie Trump, would be launching her NFT collection on Solana.

Former US First Lady Melanie Trump Joins NFT Train

Former First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump, has announced that she would be launching a Non-fungible token (NFT) platform on the Solana blockchain. 

This was contained in a press release where Melania stated that this new NFT platform reflects her artistic passion. The Solana-based platform will use Moonpay for its payment services.

Melania Trump Lunches NFT on Solana

The platform has already listed an NFT for sale. This NFT titled Melania’s Vision is a watercolor portrayal of Melania by Marc-Antoine Coulon with an attached audio recording of a message of hope from the immediate past First Lady. The NFT is listed for 1 SOL which is, as at press time, around $180.

The platform will later offer more NFTs for sale and has plans to host an auction of historical importance in January 2022. The 2022 auction won’t just be NFTs as it’ll also include physical artworks and a one-of-a-kind accessory.

As it’s common with NFT projects, part of the proceeds from Melania’s NFT platform will go towards supporting her “Be Best initiative” children initiative. 

According to her, this new technology-based platform offers a way to provide computer science skills for children so they can thrive after they leave the foster community.

Solana and MoonPay Says They Didn’t Lobby Melania Trump’s Partnership

While Melania’s decision further shows the preference many now have for Solana (SOL) for launching NFT, the blockchain has stated that it had no prior involvement with the former First Lady and was not in any way partnering with Trump. 

Solana Labs representative stated in an email that Melania’s choice of the blockchain was completely organic, and the company had nothing to do with it. 

It’s not only Solana Labs trying to disassociate itself from any involvement in Melania’s decision to use its platform. 

The U.K.-based crypto payments startup, Moonpay, also stated that it had no official role in the decision. The company further said it’s impossible to buy the NFT with credit cards through Moonpay.

About the Author

Oluwapelumi is a firm believer in the transformative power power Bitcoin and Blockchain industry holds. He is interested in sharing knowledge and ideas about how the industry could play a pivotal role in the emerging financial system. When he is not writing, he is looking to meet new people and trying out new things.
