German industrial production disappointed, following a slump in factory orders. The latest stats paint a grim picture going into mid-Q2.
It is a relatively quiet day on the European economic calendar. This morning, German industrial production figures were in focus.
Following a tumble in factory orders in March, the production numbers needed to impress to ease concerns about the German economy.
However, German industrial production fell by 3.4% in March versus a forecasted 1.3% decline. In February, industrial production rose by 1.8%.
According to Destatis,
While the industrial production numbers are from Q1, Germany’s manufacturing PMI survey for April revealed a continued contraction in new orders. Falling pre-production inventories and supplier delivery times supported production. However, contracting new orders and an unwillingness to invest painted a gloomier outlook until there is a pickup in new orders.
Before the industrial production figures, the EUR/USD fell to an early low of $1.10142 before rising to a pre-stat high of $1.10445.
However, in response to the Industrial Production numbers, the EUR/USD fell to a post-stat low of $1.10374 before rising to a high of $1.10416.
This morning, the EUR/USD was up 0.18% to $1.10390.
While the German industrial production numbers drew interest, investors should monitor ECB member commentary. ECB Chief Economist Philip Lane is on the calendar to speak today. Investors should also monitor ECB member chatter with the media.
Looking ahead to the US session, it is a quiet day on the US economic calendar. There are no US economic indicators for investors to consider.
A lack of stats leaves Fed chatter to move the dial ahead of the US CPI Report mid-week.
Beyond the economic calendar, the banking sector, the US debt ceiling, and corporate earnings also need consideration.
With over 28 years of experience in the financial industry, Bob has worked with various global rating agencies and multinational banks. Currently he is covering currencies, commodities, alternative asset classes and global equities, focusing mostly on European and Asian markets.