
Spain’s September CPI Hits Forecasted 3.5%

James Hyerczyk
Published: Sep 28, 2023, 07:13 GMT+00:00

Spain's NSI report aligns with the 3.5% CPI projection, driven by soaring electricity costs, while underlying inflation contracts to 5.8%.

EUR Cpi report


  • Spain’s CPI meets 3.5% forecast.
  • Electricity costs main inflation driver.
  • Underlying inflation dips to 5.8%.

Spain’s Inflationary Surge: September’s CPI Flash Report Revealed

Spain, in the throes of economic transitions, has just witnessed an inflationary uptick in September 2023. The recent flash report by the NSI unveils that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reached an annual rate of 3.5%, aligning precisely with economists’ projections.

Diving Deeper into the Details

Spain’s economy, having previously reported a 2.6% inflation rate, saw a notable climb this September. The ascension can primarily be attributed to the soaring electricity costs, which made a distinct departure from last September’s falling prices. Moreover, while not as impactful but still significant, fuel prices took an upward trajectory, juxtaposed with their decline from the previous year.

Underlying Inflation: A Contrary Tale

While the broader picture showcases heightened inflation, a nuanced look at the underlying inflation tells a slightly different story. This particular metric, which conveniently filters out the volatile components like nonprocessed food and energy products, witnessed a slight contraction, positioning itself at 5.8%.

Harmonized Approach to Inflation

Supplementing this data, Spain’s Harmonized Consumer Price Index (HCPI) indicates an annual rate of 3.2% for September.

Implications and Outlook

Given this recent data, Spain’s economy is on the radar of many market watchers. The alignment of the CPI with economists’ expectations underscores the reliability of market predictions, yet the discernible changes in key sectors, notably electricity and fuel, hint at potential challenges ahead. Whether these trends will stabilize or trigger broader economic shifts remains a focal point for the coming months.

About the Author

James is a Florida-based technical analyst, market researcher, educator and trader with 35+ years of experience. He is an expert in the area of patterns, price and time analysis as it applies to futures, Forex, and stocks.
