Onto Innovation operates as the leading global manufacturer of avant-garde process control tools that perform macro defect inspections and metrology, and lithography systems. Its products are used in a number of high technology industries like silicon wafer substrates, power device and data storage. It plays a significant role in the design, manufacture and marketing of process control systems for 2D/ 3D macro inspection, optical critical dimension metrology and wafer inspection. It boasts a broad portfolio of leading-edge technologies: metal interconnect composition, factory analytics and lithography for advanced semiconductor packaging, as well as develops innovative analytical software for certain industrial applications. By its management efficiency, customers get a first-hand access of premium products at premium prices. It provides best-in-class direct sales & application support through its offices located in the U.S., Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, China, Singapore and Europe. It has 1 business segment.
Data provided by Zacks Investment Research or calculated by FXEmpire. All numbers are rounded to the closest decimal.
1 Total Shares outstanding is taken from the most recently filed quarterly or annual report.
2 Market Cap is calculated using total shares outstanding and the most recent share price.
3 EBITDA is calculated using methodology that may differ from that used by a company in its reporting.
4 The float is a measure of the number of shares available for trading by the public. It's calculated by taking the number of issued and outstanding shares minus any restricted stock, which might not be publicly traded.