Pembina Pipeline Corporation is a Canada-based vertically integrated operator of energy infrastructure assets. The company is active throughout the hydrocarbon value chain, offering a complete range of midstream and marketing solutions. Pembina Pipeline's extensive network of conduits covers some of North America's most prolific basins. The company's mix of transportation and midstream assets include conventional pipelines, oil sands pipelines, transmission pipelines, fractionator and gas processing plant. The company has hydrocarbon transportation capacity, gas processing capacity along with hydrocarbon storage capacity. Pembina divides its operations into three major segments: Pipelines, Facilities, and Marketing & New Ventures. Pembina Pipeline's Divisions includes pipeline transportation, storage, rail services and terminalling. Facilities consists of natural gas fractionation and processing plants among others. Marketing & New Ventures focuses on marketing natural gas liquids to distribution companies..
Info & Links
Scott Burrows
585-8th Avenue SW, Suite 4000 Calgary, A0 T2P 1G1, CANADA
Data provided by Zacks Investment Research or calculated by FXEmpire. All numbers are rounded to the closest decimal.
1 Total Shares outstanding is taken from the most recently filed quarterly or annual report.
2 Market Cap is calculated using total shares outstanding and the most recent share price.
3 EBITDA is calculated using methodology that may differ from that used by a company in its reporting.
4 The float is a measure of the number of shares available for trading by the public. It's calculated by taking the number of issued and outstanding shares minus any restricted stock, which might not be publicly traded.